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publications: Text

Work in Progress

  1. Amato, HK, FM Loayza, LA Salinas, S Sarzosa, C Saraiva-Garcia, D Paredes, D Garcia, TJ Johnson, AJ Pickering, LW Riley, G Trueba, JP Graham. Risk factors for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli carriage among children in a food-animal producing region of Quito, Ecuador. In Review. (Preprint in MedRxiv

  2. Amato, HK, Loayza, FL, Salinas, et al. Changes in antibiotic use and community-acquired antibiotic-resistant E. coli carriage in Quito, Ecuador: leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic as a natural experiment. In Review.

  3. Amato, HK, Shuere, R, Chung, C, Graham, JP. WASH risk factors for community-acquired antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. In Preparation.

  4. Barker, T, D Capone, HK Amato, R Clark, A Henderson, E Kim, E Parker, JP Graham, J Brown. Building public toilets has reduced enteric pathogen hazards in San Francisco. In review

  5. Walas, N, S Slown, HK Amato, T Lloyd, M Bender, V Varghese, M Pandori, JP Graham. Using Short-Read Whole Genome Sequencing to Understand Regional Spread of Clinically Relevant Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Alameda County, California. In Review.

publications: Text

Peer-Reviewed Papers

  1. Amato, HK, C Hemlock, K Andrejko, AR Smith, NS Hejazi, AE Hubbard, SC Verma, RK Adhikari, D Pokhrel, KR Smith, JP Graham, A Pokhrel (2022). Biodigester cookstove interventions and child diarrhea in semi-rural Nepal: a causal analysis of daily observations. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(1), 017002.

    • Featured cover story; selected for In Perspectives article written by Joe Brown, UNC.

  2. Amato, HK, D Martin, CM Hoover, JP Graham. Somewhere to go: assessing the impact of public restroom interventions on reports of open defecation in San Francisco, California from 2014 to 2020. (2022). BMC Public Health, 22, 1673.

  3. Slown, S, N Walas, HK Amato, T Lloyd, V Varghese, M Bender, M Pandori, JP Graham (2022). Clonal Lineages and Virulence Factors of Carbapenem Resistant E. coli in Alameda County, California, 2017–2019. Antibiotics, 11(12):1794.

  4. Amato, HK, NM Wong, C Pelc, K Taylor, LB Price, M Altabet, TE Jordan, JP Graham (2020). Effects of confined poultry operations and cropland manure application on antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli and nutrient pollution in Chesapeake Bay watersheds. Science of the Total Environment, 139401.

  5. Salinas, LA, FM Loayza, PA Cárdenas, C Saraiva-Garcia, TJ Johnson, HK Amato, et al. (2021). Environmental spread of ESBL-producing E. coli and ESBL genes between children and domestic animals in Ecuador. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(2), 027007.

  6. Mitman SL, HK Amato, et al (2022). Risk factors for third-generation cephalosporin-resistant and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli carriage in domestic animals of semirural parishes east of Quito, Ecuador. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(3):e0000206.

  7. Kurowski, K, R Marusinec, HK Amato, et al (2021). Social and environmental determinants of community-acquired antimicrobial resistant E. coli in children living in semirural communities of Quito, Ecuador. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105(3).

  8. Marusinec, R, K Kurowski, HK Amato, et al (2021). Caretaker knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) and carriage of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli (ESBL-EC) in children in Quito, Ecuador. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 10(1), 2.

  9. Graham, JP, HK Amato, D Alvarez, R Mendizabal, B Ramay. (2021). Waterborne urinary tract infections: Have we overlooked an important source of exposure? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105(1):12-17, doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-1271

  10. Sclar, GD, G Penakalapati, G, HK Amato, JV Garn, K Alexander, MC Freeman, T Clasen (2016). Assessing the impact of sanitation on indicators of fecal exposure along principal transmission pathways: a systematic review. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 219(8), 709- 723.

  11. English, PE, HK Amato, E Bejarano, G Carvlin, H Lugo, M Jerrett, G King, D Madrigal, D Meltzer, A Northcross, L Olmedo, E Seto, C Torres, A Wilkie, M Wong (2020). Performance of a low-cost sensor community air monitoring network in Imperial County, CA. Sensors, 20, 3031.

  12. Cotruvo, JA, HK Amato (2019). National trends of bladder cancer and trihalomethanes in drinking water: a review and multicountry ecological study. Dose-Response 17 (1), 1559325818807781.

publications: Text

 ​Presentations & Invited Talks

Oral Presentations:

  1. Amato, HK, Trueba, G, Riley, LW, Pickering, AJ, Graham, JP. Risk factors and spatiotemporal patterns of cephalosporin-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli carriage in children and domestic animals in a food-animal producing region of Quito, Ecuador. ASTMH Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, USA. 1 Nov 2022.

  2. Hess, AK, Hemlock, C, Amato, HK, Sadaat, D, Haile, L, Kwong, L. University students as agents of change for clean cooking: evaluation of a Government of Nepal induction stove distribution program. Clean Cooking Alliance State of the Evidence Base Conference. Accra, Ghana. 10 October 2022.

  3. Amato, HK, Sarzosa, S, Trueba, G, Graham, JP. Mobile data collection to map risk factors for antibiotic-resistant E. coli in Ecuador. Measuring Development, Center for Global Effective Action. World Bank, DC, USA. 11 May 2022.

  4. Amato, HK, Trueba, G, Riley, LW, Pickering, AJ, Graham, JP. Food-animal production production & antibiotic-resistant E. coli in semi-rural Ecuador. Environmental Health Sciences Colloquium, UC Berkeley. Berkeley, CA, USA. 6 May 2022.

  5. Amato, HK. Decolonizing Global Environmental Health. Environmental Health Sciences Doctoral Seminar, UC Berkeley. Virtual. 20 October 2021.

  6. Amato, HK, Neeser, A. Consulting at Berkeley Research IT: Building Teams with Graduate Student Research Facilitators. Campus Research Computing Consortium. Virtual. 8 July 2021.

  7. Amato, HK, Graham, JP. Small-scale and commercial food-animal production and community transmission of antimicrobial resistance in Quito, Ecuador. Columbia University Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop in Sustainable Development. Virtual. 9 April 2021.

  8. Amato, HK, Graham, JP. Water, sanitation, hygiene and antimicrobial resistance: what do we know and where do we go? Colorado WASH Symposium, 5 March 2020.

  9. Amato, HK, English, PE. Mapping water quality in California. Bay Area WASH Symposium, 5 May 2019.

  10. Amato, HK, Richardson, M, Valle, J, English, PE. Cost analysis of preterm birth attributable to PM2.5 in California. CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Workshop, 9 April 2018.

  11. Amato, HK, Chang, H, Boisson, S, Freeman, M, Clasen, T. Functional latrine coverage, household drinking water contamination and diarrhea in Odisha, India. ASTMH Annual Meeting, 1 Nov. 2016.

  12. Amato, HK, Chang, H, Boisson, S, Freeman, M, Clasen, T. Functional latrine coverage, household drinking water contamination and diarrhea in Odisha, India. UNC Water & Health, 11 Oct. 2016.

Poster Presentations:

  1. Amato, HK, Hemlock, C, Hess, AK, Haile, L, Sadaat, D, Graham, JP, Pokhrel, D, Pokhrel, A, Kwong, L. Household biodigester systems and child diarrhea in rural Nepal. UNC Water & Health, 27 Oct. 2022.

publications: Text

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